Therapy Intensives

A different approach to therapy to accelerate healing. Perfect for those who are ready to dive into the deeper work in a concentrated format.

Therapy intensives throw out the typical once a week for 45 minutes structure. Instead, we meet for a 3-hour block of time. In this format we are able to really sink into the deep work of therapy, often accomplishing more than a month’s worth of processing in a single session.

As a therapist, I particularly love this format for clients who are working through trauma and childhood wounds. In the typical weekly session format, it can be hard to settle in quickly to the space we need to access to get to these deeply rooted issues and that ends up leaving a rather short time to get into the deep work that’s needed to heal. In an intensive format, once we access that space we have plenty of time to dig in, reprocess, and heal.

Therapy intensives are the fast-pass to healing.

Life is short. And there’s so much to squeeze in. When you’ve reached your limit for tolerating the pain you’ve been carrying, you don’t want to wait any longer than absolutely necessary to find relief and healing.

Maybe you haven’t been able to commit to therapy in the past because your busy life got in the way of attending weekly sessions. Or maybe you felt you never really got to the bottom of things in past therapy experiences. You may have felt better, but still know that there’s more healing to do.

Maybe your pain is starting to interfere with life in ways you can no longer allow. It could be impacting your relationship with your kids or partner. It could be causing difficulty sleeping. It could be the shadow that dims all of life’s best experiences.

Whatever it is you have going on, healing is closer than you thought possible through the transformative power of therapy intensives. Skip the waitlists. Skip the weekly sessions. Get right to the heart of the matter.

Frequently asked questions

  • Intensives are for anyone, but they are particularly well-suited for clients who:

    • Want to do deep trauma work, including those who are doing EMDR

    • Are focusing on cycle-breaking or childhood emotional wounds

    • Have busy schedules that make weekly sessions hard to commit to

    • Want to get to the root of their struggles and find healing as quickly as possible

  • We start by scheduling a brief 15 minute consultation, which gives us time to assess whether or not we're a good fit, go over any questions you may have, and decide on an initial schedule.

    Next comes a 45 minute intake session. During this time we will discuss what your goals are for our work together, get a sense of your current struggles, and develop a game plan for your intensive.

    The intensive session comes next. This is a 3 hour block of time to get deep into the therapeutic work. You can schedule these sessions in whatever frequency works best for you. Some people want to do a few days in a row, while others spread intensives out every 4-6 weeks.

  • In a typical weekly session, we would meet for 45 minutes. Generally the first 5-10 minutes are spent catching up on anything that has come up over the past week. Then, if we are working through past or pervasive issues, we start to get into that deeper work. It is quite common for clients to take a little bit to really open up into this work and for us to get to the point where we left off in the previous session. This generally means that we have about 25-30 minutes of true therapeutic work happening in session.

    In the context of a 3 hour intensive, even if it takes a client 20 minutes to settle in and begin tapping into deeper layers, there is still 2 hours and 40 minutes of therapeutic work happening. From a time perspective, this is the equivalent of 5 to 6 weeks of work all condensed into one session. From a therapeutic perspective, it's worth even more as you are able to get much deeper within one continuous session than you are through shorter sessions with extended time between them. We have a chance to really follow the presenting issue down to its roots and the transformations are remarkable.

    Financially, you would save between $75-$250 by choosing one intensive session over 5 to 6 weekly sessions.

  • Typically, intensives are 3 hours long. Some clients who want to do more frequent work but also want something more than a regular 45-minute session may be interested in weekly "mini intensives" which are 90 minutes.

  • This is unique to each individual, depending on their needs and goals. Some clients working through a specific, single-incident trauma may only need to meet once or twice. Others will meet several times. It all depends on what you are coming in to work on.

    This is something we will know much more about after your intake.

  • The 45 minute intake session is $185.

    Intensives themselves are $850 for a 3 hour session.

    Mini intensives are $445 for 90 minutes.

  • The first step is to book a free, 15 minute consultation .

Have more questions? Ready to get started?

Get in touch.