Heal your deepest wounds so your kids don’t have to.

What happened to you when you needed mothering has a direct impact on how you mother.

Do any of these sound familiar?

— You’ve noticed yourself behaving in a certain way that you really don’t like. You’ve told yourself to knock it off. You’ve given yourself a million pep talks in those stressful moments right before you do it again. But you keep on doing it. And it sucks. It’s almost as if the parts of your upbringing that you wanted to leave far behind just won’t go away. You’re now caught in a seemingly endless cycle of perfectionism and self-criticism.

— Since having kids of your own, you’ve found yourself questioning a lot of what happened to you growing up. When you view your child through a mother’s eyes, you don’t understand how your own mother wasn’t able to see you the same way. Things that you previously wrote off as your mother doing her best are no longer acceptable to you.

— Raising kids is hard enough as it is, but the way your own mother shows up in your life right now is making it even harder. Maybe she is overly critical of your parenting choices or frequently undermines you. Or perhaps she is totally dismissive of your needs, too caught up in her own stories and desires to make space for you in a time of vulnerability.

If you can relate to any of that, you’re in the right place.

I get it. And I know how to help.

I like to call us the under-mothered mothers. We’re the moms who suddenly realize that as much as we want to do things differently, no one taught us how. We’re the moms who carry our own deep childhood wounds that we thought we’d left behind but now find them front and center again.

Here’s what I need you to know: what happened to you during childhood (and maybe even continuing to this day) is a form of complex trauma. Being raised by parents who couldn’t provide you with a safe, consistent, and nurturing relationship is traumatic. Even if no one hit you. Even if there was always food on the table and a roof over your head. Yes, even if other people commented on how wonderful your childhood seemed to be.

When you don’t receive the empathic, attuned, and connected parenting you need, it will absolutely complicate things in your own motherhood journey. That’s the bad news. The good news? This wound can heal. Even if your mom never changes. You hold the capacity within yourself, and I can help you access it.


Get back in the drivers seat of your reactions

No more feeling like you have no control over your feelings or responses. No more promising yourself you’re going to show up differently only to repeat the same harmful behavior again. No more blaming yourself for not being able to “fix” it.

Find healing even if those who hurt you still don’t get it

Take back the power to heal yourself from those who hurt you. You don’t need to wait for them to finally understand what happened. You don’t need them to apologize. You don’t even need them to be in your life. Everything you need is within you.

Finally feel worthy of all the good things in your life

Stop feeling like an imposter. Stop worrying that someone is going to find out that you aren’t actually as capable, smart, or deserving as they seem to thing you are. It’s time to start seeing your true, wonderful self that’s hidden beneath all that hurt.

Ready to get started?

You don’t have to do this alone.