let’s be honest:

You take care of everyone else. But you can’t remember the last time someone truly took care of you.

Motherhood (and life) is complicated. There are so many changes to navigate, needs to balance, and schedules to juggle. It can seem like someone always needs something from you. As you run from place to place and role to role all day, it’s easy to get lost in the mix. To forget who you are. To lose touch with the things that make you you. One day you wake up and realize this isn’t working for you anymore. Not like this.

maybe you’re…

Struggling to adjust to new aspects of motherhood

If there’s one thing I can tell you with absolute certainty about motherhood, it’s that it is ALWAYS changing. Whether it’s adjusting to newborn life with your first (or third!), or figuring out how to handle a strong-willed toddler, or trying to hold onto your sanity with a preteen, or facing a quiet house as your kids begin to move out, the changes are constant. While the good news is that all of these phases end, the bad news is that it can feel like you’re constantly starting over and feeling like you don’t know what you’re doing.

Feeling like your relationships are a mess

You’re eyeball deep in mothering and at times it feels all consuming. You haven’t had much time lately for your partner, or even to truly be there for your girlfriends. And let’s not even begin to talk about how your relationship with your own mom has changed since you became a mom yourself. You know that those connections have been so important in the past, but now it feels like you can’t connect. You’re left feeling alone and isolated.

Wondering if you will ever heal from your past trauma

We all come to motherhood carrying baggage from previous experiences and relationships. Oftentimes we think we’ve dealt with those things and then get totally blindsided when something about motherhood triggers them to show up again or to start affecting us in new ways. Trauma from: childhood abuse, growing up with emotionally immature or neglectful parents, sexual assault, pregnancy/infant loss, infertility, or traumatic birth are just some of the things that can have a profound impact on your experience of mothering.


I believe you deserve a life full of joy, peace, and connection.

If I could wiggle my nose and make any wish come true, it would be that moms would stop thinking it’s okay to accept crumbs and call it a meal. Our society has taught moms that we should take whatever little bit (of time, energy, money, or space) is leftover after we’ve met everyone else’s needs and pretend like that’s enough for us. But here’s the thing: it’s not. And it’s time we stop pretending it is.

Just because you have people depending on you doesn’t mean you don’t get to receive care, too. In fact, I would argue YOUR well-being is even MORE important than ever. How can you be everyone’s everything if you’re getting nothing?

It’s time to stop this cycle of self-deprivation and self-blame. It’s time to find the centered, connected, and joyful version of yourself. It’s time to feel whole again.

  • Treatment for mood and anxiety disorders both during pregnancy and postpartum. If you're experiencing depression, anxiety, rage, scary thoughts, or had a traumatic birth, this is for you.

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  • For moms wanting support for the many challenging aspects of motherhood. Relationship stress, identity loss, special needs parenting, navigating transitions, adjustment to empty nesting.

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  • For moms whose past traumatic experiences are interfering with enjoying the life you've created. Childhood abuse, being raised by emotionally immature or neglectful parents, termination of a wanted pregnancy, pregnancy or infant loss.

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Here’s how I can help:

Let’s make therapy simple.


Reach out

Start by scheduling a free 15-minute consultation. This is a chance to get a sense of how we’d work together, answer any questions you may have, and make sure we’re a good fit.


Get to work

We’ll begin weekly sessions (or schedule a series of intensives if that fits your needs best) and start to understand all of the inner workings that are contributing to your current pain.


See change

Over time we will unearth the hurt parts of you that need healing and provide them with the care and attention they need. You will develop a deeper sense of self-trust and internal peace.

Ready to get started?

You’re worth it.